Hello Friends,
I am here with you with another algorithm. Its Topological sorting of a directed graph. Suppose we have few tasks which are interdependent. Lets represent this system in a graph. Each task is represented by a Vertex and will be connected to the Vertices with which it has dependency relation. All Vertices connected to a Vertex V with INCOMING edges on V will be the vertices on which Vertex V is dependent upon. So all the tasks represented by the such vertices should be performed before task represented by Vertex V is completed.
A such system represented as graph is as below :
Here for example Before task represented by C is performed , Tasks represented by A and B must be performed as C has dependency on A and B.
Friends Please find below the code for the same. I have used my own custom HashMap and Stack for its implementation, so you can see a basic internal working of HashMap and Stack also.
I am here with you with another algorithm. Its Topological sorting of a directed graph. Suppose we have few tasks which are interdependent. Lets represent this system in a graph. Each task is represented by a Vertex and will be connected to the Vertices with which it has dependency relation. All Vertices connected to a Vertex V with INCOMING edges on V will be the vertices on which Vertex V is dependent upon. So all the tasks represented by the such vertices should be performed before task represented by Vertex V is completed.
A such system represented as graph is as below :
Here for example Before task represented by C is performed , Tasks represented by A and B must be performed as C has dependency on A and B.
Friends Please find below the code for the same. I have used my own custom HashMap and Stack for its implementation, so you can see a basic internal working of HashMap and Stack also.
public class TopologicalSort { public static class Graph { int maxSize; int size; Vertex vertices[]; HashMap map; Stack stack; public Graph(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; vertices = new Vertex[maxSize]; map = new HashMap(); stack = new Stack(maxSize); } public static class Vertex { char name; Neighbour adj; State state = State.NEW; public Vertex(char name) { this.name = name; } } public enum State { NEW, INPROGRESS, VISITED } public static class Neighbour { Vertex vertex; Neighbour next; public Neighbour(Vertex vertex, Neighbour next) { this.vertex = vertex; this.next = next; } } public void invokeTopologicalSorting() { for (int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++) { exploreVertex(vertices[i]); } for (int i = 0; !stack.isEmpty(); i++) { System.out.println(stack.pop().name); } } /** * * The basic idea in this method is to fully explore the vertex, and * check if its any Neighbor has been left un explored, if so then need * to explore the Neighbor by recursive call to this method. After fully * exploring we need to add the vertex to the stack. Thus first the * leaves will be pushed to the stack and then when the vertex is re * visited by recurrence stack then we see if there are any more * neighbor left un explored , if so we need to repeat the process else * we come out of the while loop and push the explored vertex in the * stack. * * Point to note here is: A vertex if considered a Task has dependencies * on the vertices which are connected to it by In-coming edges. So for * any Vertex, V we need to explore its neighbor first so that they are * pushed to the stack first (and will be popped after the current * vertex, V). */ public void exploreVertex(Vertex v) { if (v.state != State.VISITED) { v.state = State.VISITED; Neighbour adj = v.adj; while (adj != null) { Vertex neighbour = adj.vertex; if (neighbour.state != State.VISITED) { exploreVertex(adj.vertex); } adj = adj.next; } stack.push(v); } } public void addVertex(char name) { vertices[size++] = new Vertex(name); map.put(name, vertices[size - 1]); } public void addNeighbour(char source, char destination) { Vertex sourceV = map.get(source); Vertex destinationV = map.get(destination); sourceV.adj = new Neighbour(destinationV, sourceV.adj); } public static class Stack { Vertex[] stack; int maxSize; int top = -1; public Stack(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; stack = new Vertex[maxSize]; } public void push(Vertex u) { stack[++top] = u; } public Vertex pop() { Vertex v = stack[top]; stack[top] = null; top--; return v; } public boolean isEmpty() { return top == -1; } } public static class HashMap { int prime = 499; MapNode[] map = new MapNode[prime]; public static class MapNode { char key; Vertex value; MapNode next; MapNode(char key, Vertex value, MapNode next) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.next = next; } } public int index(char key) { return hashcode(key) % prime; } public int hashcode(char key) { return 31 * key; } public boolean put(char key, Vertex value) { int index = index(key); MapNode temp = map[index]; while (temp != null) { if (temp.key == key) { return false; } temp = temp.next; } map[index] = new MapNode(key, value, map[index]); return true; } public Vertex get(char key) { int index = index(key); MapNode temp = map[index]; while (temp != null) { if (temp.key == key) { return temp.value; } temp = temp.next; } return null; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Graph graph = new Graph(8); graph.addVertex('A'); graph.addVertex('B'); graph.addVertex('C'); graph.addVertex('D'); graph.addVertex('E'); graph.addVertex('F'); graph.addVertex('G'); graph.addVertex('H'); graph.addNeighbour('A', 'C'); graph.addNeighbour('B', 'C'); graph.addNeighbour('B', 'D'); graph.addNeighbour('C', 'E'); graph.addNeighbour('D', 'F'); graph.addNeighbour('E', 'F'); graph.addNeighbour('E', 'H'); graph.addNeighbour('F', 'G'); graph.invokeTopologicalSorting(); } }
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